What We Do

Haiti Hope (Haiti Aid) is a US Non-profit 501(c)(3) orginization committed to helping the poorest of the poor in the Northern Mountainous region of Haiti. Most aid organizations help Haitians in the larger cities to the south, often leaving the northern residents underserved. Our goal at Haiti Hope is to help educate and train these underserved Haitians in the northern regions, focusing on equipping them to earn a living and eventually be able to sustain themselves without assistance. School: We currently support a small private school of around 120 students. The school is in dire need of repairs. The old metal roof leaks in to classrooms during heavy rains. Most parents don’t have money for tuition. Books are a separate fee charged by the government. Some kids attend school without books as their parents don’t have money for both. Not being able to follow along, they are often left on their own as theater kids are learning. Thanks to your generous donations we are able to keep this school running. For only 20 dollars a month, a student can be sponsored for tuition needs. For 25 dollars a month, we can supply tuition and books.